Inspiring and Empowering People to Live Life Fearlessly With Purpose.

Answer the Call

Cinnamon Brown is a soul whisperer, motivational speaker, author (Shades of Beauty, 1996), educator, health and wellness practitioner and coach, sound healing and biofield tuning practitioner, reiki master in Usui, magnetic therapist, laughter yoga leader, MBTI ® practitioner, and master gardener. In other words, Cinnamon is

“A jack of all trades and a master of many.”

Over the last 27 years, Cinnamon has dedicated her life to promoting positive holistic changes in people’s lives. In 2006, Cinnamon founded Victorious Attitudes for Everyday Life, Inc. (VAEL), an educational non-profit that specializes in human development, where she continues to serve as the CEO.

Through VAEL’s partnerships with the Maryland Public School System, federal and state government agencies, churches, and other businesses, Cinnamon helps cultivate positive thinking and asset-building of people and agencies. She has developed and facilitated youth programs, youth workshops, parent workshops, and professional development and coaching for over 20,000 children (ages 3 to 20), parents, educators, and adults from all walks of life.

In 2019, Cinnamon Brown, LLC was born out of a great need for healing. Many of her business partners, friends, and family knew of Cinnamon’s wellness journey* and began requesting more self-care, stress management, and holistic wellness support for themselves, their staff, families, and children.

Cinnamon’s Journey

So, the company was formed to share Cinnamon’s knowledge and passion for natural healing through Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) practices and products. Cinnamon empowers her clients and students with tools to elevate their consciousness in order to heal their physical bodies and psychological health, balance their human energetic fields, and manage and harmonize their eight dimensions of wellness. Cinnamon and her spirit team help people awaken their God-given power to heal themselves and live fearlessly with purpose.

My Purpose

Just breathe and relax. Life experiences are the Universe’s ways of gently encouraging you to answer the call and awaken your greatness.

“Healing is an Art. It takes time, it takes practice. It takes love.”

-Maza Dohta

Curing vs Healing

There is a big difference between curing and healing

So let’s get it straight. You can cure an illness without healing, and heal without curing. But to cure and heal one’s self…now my friend you have the ultimate outcome.

Curing is to eradicate, banish, and eliminate all symptoms and evidence of a disease or illness. It takes place in the physical body. Curing is when you go to doctors to have a broken bone set or get surgery to remove cancer cells.


Healing is to make whole, in the mind, body, and spirit. To heal is to acknowledge and then release the underlying stressors and lifestyle imbalances that initially caused the illness. Healing is a journey that requires deep, soul-searching work. Not to mention, 80% of healing is getting to the root of the problem and letting go of all negative emotions and beliefs that mask the true self. For example, a person suffering with high blood pressure will take prescription medication to cure themselves of the symptoms; however, the hypertension diagnosis will remain. Inorder to completely reverse the diagnosis and heal, they must also address their stressors, negative beliefs, and ideologies that are the cause for their poor lifestyle choices and habits that feed the illness.

I would love to speak at your next event. Together, we will move the masses to reclaim their peace, joy, and wholeness.

Book Cinnamon to speak at your next event, workshop or professional development event.