Sound Healing

by | Dec 15, 2022

Have you ever heard sounds that made every cell in your body dance?

I have. Since the age of ten, I’ve had an obsession with listening to thunderstorms, rain, waterfalls and Yanni (Greek-American composer, pianist, and music producer). The booming sounds of the thunder, churning water and the entrancing tones of a piano helps to calm my racing mind and gently lull me to sleep every night. You see, it’s these sounds that commands every part of me, my ears, heart, mind and body to listen intently, feeling its vibrations and mimicking its frequencies. It’s like the vibrations become one with every cell in my body and together they harmonize into a beautiful melody. Today, forty years later, I still use sound healing therapy to support my overall wellbeing.

What is sound healing?

Sound Healing is a practice that uses therapeutic sounds with a heartfelt intention to aid in improving the mental, emotional and physical wellbeing of a person.

Everything within the Universe is made up of atoms and molecules that vibrate and move, transferring energy. And where there is vibration there is sound that’s audible and inaudible. This means everything is sound and our bodies are in an energetic feedback loop mimicking the vibrations that are impacting it. There are various sounds, some sounds are harsh and can shock the body; other sounds have negative low frequencies that slowly affect the body. There are also pleasant harmonious sounds that energize, uplift and heal.

Everyday, 24/7 we experience many different sound vibrations in our environments, thoughts, and relationships. But it is through our emotions, defined as energy- in motion, that we interpret the energies experienced. These energies, especially the low vibrations (e.g. anger, fear, grief, sadness etc…) are supposed to flow through us like a river, never to become stuck within us. When people hold on to low vibrations they become emotionally constipated, stuck in past experiences inhibiting them from experiencing all that life has to offer and negatively impacting their wellness. You see, humans are uniquely designed by their DNA. Our bodies are composed of tissue, muscles, bones, organs, nerves cells and energy fields, all vibrating at different frequencies creating sounds like instruments within a band. Each person has a signature song that is their energy life force, aka Chi or Prana. But when low vibrations change our energy field (e.g. aura, chakras and meridians) it can cause distress within the body resulting in disease.

For example, I used the sound of rain to calm and relax me because I am an empath and overthinker, who analyzes everything. When I hold onto negative emotions I feel uneasy, restless and sleep deprived. These signs are my body telling me that I need to release and find harmony and balance in my thoughts, body and energy. As a certified sound therapist, I use various instruments (e.g. crystal healing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, chimes, percussion instruments, didgeridoo, tuning forks and other instruments) to help me and others relax, heal and tune our energy fields and bodies back to their signature song.

Sound Healing Benefits

During a sound bath and No I’m not talking about a bath with soap and water, but having a sound therapist intentionally play therapeutic sounds to quiet the analytical mind and nourish the nervous system. This soundscape creates a deep sense of relaxation, heightens awareness and intuition while stimulating the body to self-heal. The sounds stimulate the body’s cellular memory and the auric field to vibrate at a higher frequency releasing unhealthy emotional tension.

So, If you are holding on to trauma, negative emotions or feelings of stress and anxiety, you must change your energy to bring it back to a harmonious state. Consider using sound healing to help you regulate those stuck low energies and to elevate, relax, and heal all of you. And if this sounds like music to your ears and you are ready to do some healing work, then checkout my YouTube Channel @The Cinnamon Brown for sounds and meditative music to help with headaches, pain, detoxing the body, increasing your concentration and focus and so much more.

Did I mention that I created a 1 Hour Rain, Thunder and Nature Sound Black Screen Video To Help You Relax and Sleep Instantly? Check it out…You’ll fall asleep within 5 minutes.

If you liked that leave me a comment below telling me what you think and what you would like to learn more about. Remember, I’m here to support you on your journey.